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Erasmus+ Cycle project publishes an online competence centre for circular economy

The Erasmus+ CYCLE project comes to an end this month unveiling an online competence centre aimed at mainstreaming circular economy in lifelong learning. The report “Circular Economy and Lifelong Learning: Scenarios – Methodologies – In action”, published in July 2019, has already made CYCLE known among circular economy practitioners and educators.

Brussels, Belgium – The Erasmus+ CYCLE project has achieved its main result, namely an online competence centre that gathers different kinds of open educational resources on circular economy, from MOOCs, videos and infographics to case studies and practical activities.

The CYCLE Competence Centre targets educators, educational institutions and local policy makers willing to increase their expertise in the circular economy, but is also perfectly suitable for self-learners. The six project partners from Austria, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Spain and the UK enriched the platform with customised content according to their country and language.

The CYCLE project has already reached out to stakeholders in the sector of circular economy and education paving the way for the report “Circular Economy and Lifelong Learning: Scenarios – Methodologies – In action”, published in July 2019. The publication gathers diverse experiences from local authorities, experts and practitioners on the topic and aims to make their stories a knowledge base for the development of the circular economy through educational tools.

CYCLE’s project partners have been promoting the achievements of this project through local events involving potential users of the competence centre. These took place in Brussels (BE), Prato (IT), Łodz (PL) and Pontypridd (UK) already. The project will officially be closed by two events taking place on 30 September 2019 in Vienna (IT) and Ciudad Real (ES).

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ACR+ Secretariat - Francesco Lembo
Tel: +32 2 234 65 00

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