
C-PRONE stands for Circular Procurement Network, in many languages, it can be pronounced as 'chaperone', this friendly supportive companion, which gives an idea of what the hub stands for: a place for its participants to share and seek support. There is a growing number of countries, regions and cities experimenting circular procurement, but there is no overarching body, network or platform to facilitate 'inter-initiative' sharing of insights and experiences. During the Interreg NSR ProCirc project, partners prepared the concept of C-PRONE, with the aim of setting up a permanent umbrella for circular procurement initiatives and create a structural sharing space to bridge this gap.

C-PRONE aims to enable and facilitate international sharing between the existing networks, initiatives and individual participants, with the ambition of becoming a ‘one stop shop’ for current state of play on circular procurement, available tools, active stakeholders, and for past and ongoing initiatives, etc. Various activities will be implemented in order to:

  • Facilitate the exchange of information: online and in person network meetings, training and workshops, participation in international conferences, information on upcoming events and activities;
  • Create a body of knowledge: repository of good practices, studies, etc., circular procurement helpdesk, bimonthly newsletter with updates on community and circular procurement news;
  • Provide policy insights: access and understand the latest EU policy developments linked to circular procurement, exchange and inspiration for regional and local policies.

Get involved!

Become an active member of the C-PRONE community and benefit free of charge from all of its activities:

  • meet with peers across Europe;
  • exchange issues and success stories;
  • get a direct access to eventsm project proposals, publications, and much more!

Read the call to join


 C-PRONE is an initiative coming from the ProCirc project coordinated by ACR+ and supported by Rijkswaterstaat.

Organisers / Managers