ACR+ member Zero Waste Scotland published a new report on “Biorefining Potential for Scotland”, that provides the most detailed insight yet into the circular economy opportunities for organic waste and by-products generated in Scotland.
Maximising value from ‘bio’ resources is identified as a priority area with the greatest opportunity to deliver economic, environmental and social benefits for Scotland in the Scottish Government’s circular economy strategy, Making Things Last. It is estimated an additional 500-800 million pounds could be generated for Scotland’s economy by using food and drink by-products alone. ”Biorefining Potential for Scotland” report shows the extent of opportunity for development, with millions of tonnes of valuable material available in Scotland that could be captured and put to high-value use. It also highlights opportunities for new job creation in Scotland, particularly in rural and coastal areas where many of the waste materials arise.
The publication of the report coincides with the launch of a dedicated support service, delivered by Scottish Enterprise. The Scottish Bio-Resource Support Service provides data on type, quantity and location of ‘bio’ materials available in Scotland.