ACR+ would like your involvment in a European Observatory for municipal waste recycling performances

ACR+ is now calling all European cities and regions of whom are ACR+ members to become part of the Observatory by participating in the Observatory working groups.

ACR+ would like your involvment in a European Observatory for municipal waste recycling performances


ACR+ is inviting you to its 1st Technical Working Group on the 21st December 2010, in Brussels. 

Now days, there is a growing interest across Europe to better understand the data management of municipal waste that does not only prove valuable for internal monitoring purposes, to measure performance, but also acts as a benchmark allowing comparison of regions and cities of similar typologies but of different Member States.

Despite the availability of waste data that is regularly published at an international level, particularly by the European Environment Agency, Eurostat or OECD and other relevant environmental agencies, there are significant limitations identified on this type of data presentation; the heterogeneity of raw waste data, the variability in terminology to define municipal waste;  the lack of detailed municipal waste data on a regional and local level; the variability depending on the data source; the lack of information provided at an operational level and lastly, the lack of financial control.

As a result, ACR+, which for 15 years acts as a platform for exchange between local and regional authorities in Europe to improve policies for municipal waste management, has agreed to develop a permanent Observatory of municipal waste performances in Europe. The Observatory will initially focus on the analysis of recycling performances across Europe and will be developed by ACR+ members in partnership with key waste management expert organisations. The Observatory will also act as a platform to share experiences and demonstrate best practice amongst different cities in order to; achieve higher recycling rates, improve communication with citizens, reduce the negative environmental (including climate change) and financial impacts.

It is of great interest and importance to all European regional and local authorities to create an Observatory for municipal waste management due to the target obligation to reach 50% household recycling rate by 2020, based on the EU Waste Framework Directive 98/2008.

ACR+ is now calling all European cities and regions of whom are ACR+ members to become part of the Observatory by participating in the Observatory working groups.

The establishment of the working groups and the involvement of European waste and statistics experts will form the basis of this technical, innovative and yet transparent platform.

ACR+ would like to hear back from you by if your local authority, city or region is:

-  interested to take part in the Observatory?
-  interested in joining a particular working group?
-  able to provide a main point of contact?

If you are an ACR+ member and would like to read more about the Observatory, please follow the link to the Preparatory Note.

ACR+ is holding the 1st Technical Working Group (now) on the 21st December 2010, in Brussels

This meeting will be held to discuss the Observatory in more detail and agree on the next steps. Learn more here! 

For information about the Observatory and the methodology applied, please contact Hara Xirou at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

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